Official Read/WriteWeb Writer

July 10th, 2007 | Categories: blogs, off topic

Read/Write Web logoReaders of MappingTheWeb will now be seeing me elsewhere in the blogosphere from time to time. I have just accepted a part-time writing position at Read/WriteWeb, one of the web’s biggest web 2.0/technology blogs. It is ranked 28th by Technorati out of all blogs and has 80,000+ RSS subscribers.

I will be posting 2+ times per week, starting Friday. I encourage everyone to check out my posts on R/WW, as well as those of the other publishers. The team is led by well-known blogger Richard MacManus and newcomer Josh Catone. The content is very high quality and a pleasure to read.

Having said all this, nothing changes around here. I will still be posting on MappingTheWeb on most weekdays (at least once), as well as the odd time on weekends.

For more information on the position, read this Read/WriteWeb article.


  1. Mark Evans Says:

    Congrats on the new gig!


  2. Aidan Says:

    Thanks for the kind words Mark :)

  3. Mikael Pittam Says:

    Congrats from Silicon Valley! SV is waiting for you to move out here. Today: RW/W, tomorrow: the world!

  4. William Pramana Says:

    All the best Aidan ;)

  5. Myo Kyaw Htun Says:

    Congratulation Aidan. Wish you all the best.

  6. Jordan Says:

    Nice work, Aidan. Congrats! I loves the Read/Write Web.

  7. Aidan Says:

    Thanks guys. I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve already posted twice:

    -”Top 5 Hottest Launches of 2007″ -
    -”Web Apps We Love To Hate” -

    Check them out. Let me know what you think…


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