Archive for the ‘blogs’ Category

Seesmic Video Comments

Thursday, May 15th, 2008

I know I’ve criticized many services recently, but I get upset with poor judgment. Video comments from Seesmic are no exception. I see no value in them. In fact, I find them counterproductive and downright annoying.


Slow News Day or Techmeme Bias?

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

It must truly be a slow news day. Upon visiting the Techmeme homepage earlier, I was greeted by a front page headline (i.e. top news story) that spotlights the bicker between Michael Arrington and Wired. Is this truly the most interesting, pertinent, hot topic item of the moment? Is this the most thought-provoking, conversation-igniting meme of the day? I hope not. If so, I’m taking a long vacation and re-assessing my priorities…


Building Our Heroes

Monday, May 5th, 2008

The following guest post was written by social media expert and blogger Steve Spalding. He can be found on the web at How To Split An Atom or History of Blogging.

The great thing about family is that you can always count on them.

They’re there for you when times are hard, when the chips are down, when you need support. Kind of like Social Media.

You can also count on them to fight, feud and frustrate you to no end. To be the thorn that your side has always been missing. Kind of like Social Media.


The Problem with Digg

Monday, April 21st, 2008

There is a fundamental problem with Digg. The site tends to favour content from big blogs and media publishers. Meanwhile, content from less prominent blogs and web-publishing entities remains in the shadows, unknown to most. This isn’t the fault of Digg itself, as the site relies entirely on user voting and participation. The flaw in the system can be traced back to the perception of users.


The Concept of Flogging

Friday, April 18th, 2008

I read an amazing article the other day that reflects my thoughts on the blogging world to a tee. Famous author and blogger Doc Searls distinguishes the difference between blogging and flogging. It all comes back to the short attention span of bloggers and the high output of thoughtless posting.
