Jeff Pulver Really Blew It

December 19th, 2006 | Categories: blogs, networks, off topic, strategy, video

An interesting story has emerged from the vlog community. An informed source has brought to my attention the recent uncustomary antics of well-known VOIP pioneer Jeff Pulver. Apparently he really shit the bed this time.

Though I am not a vlog enthusiast, I felt that such a story deserved a second look. Upon further in-depth analysis and scrutiny of blog conversations and forum discussions, it became apparent that Pulver had committed three fatal sins. These rookie mistakes should never have been committed by a seasoned veteran. Forgiveness should not be granted.

So what exactly did he do to deserve this tongue-lashing?

  1. His new venture, Network2, pulls vlogger RSS feeds without publisher consent. In other words, Pulver is assuming an ‘opt out’ basis (stealing) as opposed to the standard, industry-accepted ‘opt in’ basis (promoting). Need I really say more?
  2. Pulver started the ‘5 Things You Didn’t Know About Me’ meme as a self-promotional tool to garner publicity for himself and his company. Starting what seemed like a fun, interesting meme, but with self-fulfilling intentions, is just plain selfish and narrow-minded. To cap it off, he even added this meme to his Wikipedia page in a self-glorified series of events. Nevertheless, the Jeff Pulver Wikipedia entry has now been deleted by moderators (Pulver may have done it himself in a weak attempt to preserve some level of credibility).
  3. His crew has spammed forums and message boards in a blatant attempt to gain exposure and drive traffic.

Now, I know these sins are committed on a daily basis and are seemingly widespread on the net. But I wouldn’t expect these sleazy marketing tactics from such an authority figure. It never ceases to amaze me the level people sink in order to achieve fame and seek financial prosperity. Selling out is a weak move for the cowardly.

I think Pulver needs to go back to the drawing board.

UPDATE: There may be a happy ending to this debauchery. My source tells me that today Network2 has switched from an ‘opt out’ basis to an ‘opt in’ model. This is definitely a step in the right direction. Nonetheless, his antics of forum spam and self-indulgent memes cannot be forsaken.

Excerpts and information for this article have been pulled from various sources including the Yahoo videblogging group, Jeff Pulver’s blog, and TheGayExpat’s blog.


  1. Jeremy David: Choose My Adventure! » Blog Archive » Post Christmas Post Says:

    […] There’s been a lot of talk in the blogging world about the whole “Five Random Facts” thing that has been going around. Here is a post summarizing it:  […]

  2. audiobook guy Says:

    Jeff Pulver was one of those guys that I had heard of but never really looked into too deeply, until I read this.

    But, I love it when some “guru” poops one, so I had to take a look at this fellas site.

    And, I must say that the phrase that immediately springs to mind when reading his homepage relates to “pride before the fall”.

    Adnittedly, the fall hasn’t really happened yet, but he’s certainly made up for that failure to (mis)achieve by seriously od’ing on the pride side.

    Notice that, whereas most other gurus (taking just one example, Joel Comm) are referred to as Joel almost universally, this guy is referred to as “Mr” throughout his home page blurb about himself! Also, “Mr. Pulver is a globally renowned thought leader” whatever the heck that means.

    Whose thoughts is Mr P leading? And just where is he leading them to? Is this some form of VOIP Moonie movement??

    We have a right to know!

    Mr P? Egoism gone mad!!

  3. praca za granicą Says:

    you have right! greatings

  4. Post Christmas Post — Jeremy David Says:

    […] I always feel bad at Christmas when I get presents. I don’t know why - I just feel guilty. But this year I received a really cool present that is going to make blogging way easier… a digital voice recorder. So when I am walking around and come up with an idea to write about, I can just record it. It sounds really trivial, but I always think of things during the day and by the time I get home I never remember what they are - and now I will no longer have that problem. Thanks mom!There’s been a lot of talk in the blogging world about the whole “Five Random Facts” thing that has been going around. Here is a post summarizing it:Personally, I don’t care if it was some publicity stunt. When I was reading entries on peoples’ blogs, I never knew about the guy who started it all. I just saw the posts on peoples’ sites and learned a little about them. To me, at least, it was a cool idea that spread around the blogging world and got people talking. I certainly am not holding anything against the mastermind behind it all. Anyway, those were my two cents.I just wrote a New Years post that will appear on New Years. Celebration!Happy New Years! Talk to you in January! […]

  5. Disappointment in Jason Calacanis Says:

    […] With all due respect, this isn’t the first time I have disagreed with the actions of a so-called A-lister. Late last year, Jeff Pulver pulled a similar stunt that really pissed me off and left me questioning his credibility. […]

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