Potential Twitter Acquisition?

September 4th, 2007 | Categories: acquisitions, blogs, networks, social media, trends

Twitter logoWell… not quite. But I’m surprised that we haven’t heard more such rumours. Facebook seems to be hogging the attention as of late. Nevertheless, I expect Twitter rumours to surface fairly soon.

Though the service hasn’t reached the mainstream yet, I doubt it will take long before it does. Already, many social networks have integrated similar status update services. As we all know, the micro-blogging space is on fire right now. Phenomenal growth has been witnessed. Having said that, don’t expect it to die off any time soon. Micro-blogging isn’t a fad or a trend. It is a platform - and it is here to stay. Other well-known names in the space to watch include the likes of Pownce, Jaiku, and Tumblr.

So why is Twitter the big name? After all, the technology isn’t very hard to copy. It is actually quite simple when compared to numerous other apps out there. Twitter is the known name in the space. All the innovators and influencers use the service. Any potential acquisitor would (obviously) be more interested in the user base rather than the actual technology.

Speaking of potential acquisitors, some names that come to mind include:

  • Google (potential integration with Blogger)
  • Yahoo
  • Six Apart
  • Any social network - though most have implemented their own status function, the user base is the key incentive.

Do you think Twitter will get bought any time soon? If so, by who?

One Comment

  1. (-multitag-) | ¿Posible Adquisición de Twitter? Says:

    […] En mi twitter apareció hace unas horas un mensaje que posteo Leo Piccioli en el cual decía, textual: “Hablan de potenciales compradores de Twitter.com” y en otro mensaje linkeaba la nota que hacía referencia a este tema (y que les adjunto más abajo). […]

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