Posts Tagged ‘differentiation’

Insignificant Content

Monday, March 2nd, 2009

With so many blogs already online and more appearing every day, it’s hard differentiate your content and build credibility. In my opinion, perception around the quality of blog content has decreased significantly as the utter mass continues to grow at an astonishing rate. In other words, quantity is overtaking quality.


The Deceptive Lure of an Internet Business

Monday, July 7th, 2008

Everyone seems to want a piece of the Internet. Everyone has a friend’s cousin’s neighbour who started an Internet company in their basement and now flies around the world in a private jet. The appeal is obvious. However, making it to that point is another story altogether.


Craigslist’s Dominance

Wednesday, May 21st, 2008

The Craigslist site is as simple as it gets. Literally, it can’t get any simpler. Strategically-placed links form the underlying interface. Having said that, it is by far the most dominant classified ad site on the net. With such a simple offering and total domination, how is anyone supposed to compete?
